Kontrola nadruku
Jakość i profesjonalizm
Wyposażenie i części zamienne do maszyn do przetwórstwa tektury
Produkty i urządzenia do maszyn z prowadzeniem wstęgi
Wieloletnie doświadczenie w branży
Bobst - części zamienne
Produkcja folii
Wałki rozprężne
Systemy i moduły cięcia wzdłużnego

The fast growing company was set up in 2002 by dynamic persons with long experience. It is located in the heart of Wielkopolska and it provides a broad range of spare parts and equipment for packaging industry. 

Due to the application of innovative solutions, in each industry we assist our customers to become leading market players. We are driven by individual needs of our customers. Using our and your experience through team work we are looking for solutions to meet the requirements. 

We want our co-operation to bring real benefits to your Company. Our young and entrepreneurial team tries every day to prove that we are a strong and reliable partner.

    64-100 Leszno
    ul. Okrężna 10
  • tel.
    +48 65 5287 900
    +48 65 5265 545            
  • fax
    +48 65 5287 901
  • e-mail